Digital Download: Four-Step Tongue Diagnosis

Digital Download: Four-Step Tongue Diagnosis
Four-Step Tongue Diagnosis: Colour, Coating, Cracking & Shape
Learn not only to diagnose tongues, but have powerful acupoints come to the forefront for treatment.
The tongue is the past and can take time to change. The pulse is the now and can change in an instant. A red tongue is a red tongue. A wiry pulse to one practitioner can feel thready to another. Tongue diagnosis is a lot easier to learn and teach because it is an objective skill.
Learn my four-step process in depth with this 37-page document. As with all my lessons, my teaching approach is simple, effective and to the point.
Also, included in this text are 13 of the most interesting tongue photos I have snapped in my clinic. Learn to recognize key visuals and have the tools to treat your patient’s root concern at the same time.
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