Kenton Sefcik, R.Ac
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about ME

My passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine began at age 14 when I began studies in Kung-Fu.

I graduated from Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 2007 with a diploma in Acupuncture and an honourary diploma in TCM. Upon successfully passing Alberta acupuncture board examinations, I moved to Nova Scotia to open a practice and teach.

I have taught for two colleges, was a guest lecturer at Acadia University, and was requested for seminars by yoga instructors, the Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of Nova Scotia, AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine in Austin, Texas, as well as Saskatchewan & Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conferences.

I have written for, Qi Journal, Kung-Fu Tai Chi magazine and Wing Chun Illustrated. 

Lastly, I aim to mentor up-and-coming acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctors — to help them gain confidence in the skills they went to school for.

2024 -

Acupuncturist at Hammond Chiropractic

2021 - 2024

Completed 3-year apprenticeship in Haruo Matsumoto/Alexander Audette Deep Tissue Lymphatic Japanese Acupuncture (DTLA)

2019 -

Acupuncturist at Motiv Fitness

Acupuncturist at Keystone Health

2019 - 2021

President & Digital Communications, Nova Scotia Association of Acupuncturists


Owner of Harbour Health Clinic – two clinic locations

Vice President, Digital Communications, Nova Scotia Association of Acupuncturists


Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bedford, Nova Scotia – acupuncture and Chinese medicine instructor


Eastern College, Halifax, Nova Scotia – acupuncture and Chinese medicine instructor


Registered Acupuncturist (AB, NS)

Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Calgary, Alberta – Diploma in Acupuncture, Honorary Diploma in TCM



My Services

Acupuncture has been practiced in Japan since the sixth century, after being brought from the land of Wu 呉 (China) by Chiso (知聡) via silk roads in 562.

The Edo Period 江戸時代(17th-19th centuries) saw the country closed to almost all foreigners save the Dutch, who were allowed to trade from a small man made island off of the coast of Nagasaki. This period of isolation caused Japanese acupuncture to evolve in many unique ways including further development of palpation diagnosis and a greater presence of blind acupuncturists.

Sashi-de (Puncturing hand) and Oshi-de (Pushing/Searching hand) techniques were developed and aided in both diagnosis and gentleness in needling. At this time, a blind acupuncturist named Waichi Sugiyama 杉山和一 (1610-1694) revolutionized acupuncture by inventing the guide tube for needle insertion.

In 1878, the first school for the blind was built in Kyoto, and acupuncture was one of the vocations that the blind could choose. Shortly after this time, lymphatic acupuncture and the constant needle stimulation (unshin) techniques, were developed in 1915 by Tatsuo Hirakata 平方龍男(1889-1976), a blind acupuncturist. During treatment with this form of acupuncture, only a single needle was used with very shallow insertion (typically 3-5mm). The needle was constantly stimulated for variable periods of time depending on tissue texture. This method allowed for activation of the lymphatic capillaries, which exist in abundance at the dermal layer of skin.

During the late 1970s, an electrical engineer named Haruo Matsumoto began the study of acupuncture in response to the loss of his sight from glaucoma. During his studies, he developed his own unique style of acupuncture. Sawada and Hirakata theories were used by Matsumoto and developed into what we call DTLA (Deep Tissue Lymphatic Acupuncture).*

Patients can expect to have the practitioner in the room with them the entire time, while the practitioner uses their sense of touch, and patient feedback, to diagnose and treat. Other modalities used may include gentle Shiatsu, cupping, and herbal or dietary recommendations.

*This history has been been written by Alexander Audette, a student of Haruro Matsumoto


New Patient Visit - 60 minutes

A comprehensive intake is completed, along with traditional tongue and pulse diagnosis.  All health systems are questioned as Traditional East Asian Medicine looks for patterns when creating treatment protocols.
After the intake is finished, the appointment includes a treatment plan, acupuncture treatment, as well as any herbal, dietary or lifestyle suggestions.

Follow-Up - 60 minutes

Acupuncture follow-up includes a review of all pertinent signs and symptoms, tongue and pulse diagnosis, and a treatment.

Thank you for everything. For your support,
your knowledge, the talks, the laughs - most of all for the positive energy and faith in me.
— H.Spencer



So I think it’s been decided your incredible ability to
connect with people is your super power.
— L.Delorme


Intake & acupuncture treatment.

FOLLOW-UP - $125.

Review of signs and symptoms & acupuncture treatment.




Would you like an appointment?  Would you like to hire me to teach?

Please, drop me a line!