Digital Download: Points to Herbs

Digital Download: Points to Herbs



Points to Herbs: My Top 21 Prescriptions

Did you know there are nearly 100’000 herbal formulas???*

After learning single herbs, paired herbs, patent herbs and herbal formulas in Chinese medicine college, I felt lost in a sea of options. Then, in student clinic, most of my time was dedicated to administering acupuncture. When I graduated TCM college, I still lacked confidence in prescribing Chinese herbs until I started doing two things:

  1. I started using a short-list of herbal formulas -
    Perhaps due to my martial arts background, I’ve learned the value in making mini-systems within a larger, complex framework. Mastering a smaller skillset has always seemed to improve confidence, and eventually spilled over to me understanding the subject as a whole.

  2. I reverse-engineered acupoints back to herbal formulas -
    Chinese medicine is all about patterns, and I started to see commonalities in the way I used certain acupoints and an herbal formula together.

In this 35-page document, I aim to help you understand the Points to Herbs formula so you can see more herbal patterns in clinic. I also speak on dosage and suggest how to make a fair profit (as most patients pay out of pocket for herbs). From Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat, to Food Stagnation and anxiety, to dysmennorhea and IBS, there are many conditions we can successfully treat with just 21 formulas.

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