Digital Download: The Five Types of Difficult Patients

Digital Download: The Five Types of Difficult Patients



The Five Types of Difficult Patients

This 19-page document is where you become a fly-on-the-wall, and hear what happens when I personally encounter difficult patients in my clinic.

I share five distinct stories to help you navigate the sometimes choppy waters that occur between patient and practitioner.

Learn how to properly interact with these types of clients:

1.    The Patient Who is Closed Off

2.    The Patient Who Pushes Their Religion, Politics or Product

3.    The Patient Who Tells You How to Do Your Job

4.    The Patient Who Is Hard to Talk To

5.    The Patient Who Doesn’t Want to Improve

Being prepared for these types of patients and situations sets you up for success. By reading my stories you will be able to formulate your own plan so that all interactions in your clinic run smoothly.

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