Digital Download: Initial Intake and Introduction to Chinese Medicine

Digital Download: Initial Intake and Introduction to Chinese Medicine


This FREE ZIPPED BUNDLE of TWO PDFs includes my Initial Intake Form and Introduction to Chinese Medicine.

The Initial Intake Form is what I have my patients fill out and sign when they arrive for their first treatment. You can steal everything from it or just use it as a template to make your own.

NOTE: I am not responsible for the wording in the informed consent section, and I highly recommend you hire a lawyer to verify the language for your jurisdiction.

The Introduction to Chinese Medicine is given to every new patient of mine after their first visit. Roy P C Kessels, PhD, wrote “Patients' Memory for Medical Information” and found that retention of information was poor when a patient was anxious or elderly.

Patients tend to focus on their diagnosis and not the self-care instructions. Visual aids such as handouts or cartoons improve memory performance. This is my handout. Again, feel free to steal all of it, or use it as a template.

I truly hope these resources are of help to you.

Kenton Sefcik

FREE - You will receive a secure link to the ZIP file lasting 24 hours after the first download

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