Five Under Five: Christina Rodríguez

Five Under Five is where I ask a Chinese medicine practitioner who has been practicing for less than five years five questions. Want to be featured? I’d love to support your journey. Just send me an email using the CONTACT page on this website.


1. When and from where did you graduate?

I graduated in 2013 from a 4-year program between Cenac and Escuela Li Ping, in Barcelona, Spain.

2. What brought you to Chinese medicine?

The I Ching was my favourite “toy” to play since I was 9 years old. One day, in 2009, I was completely broke and facing a divorce and, in the middle of the street, I saw a tent with books for sale with a book called “What is Acupuncture?” just shining at me. I felt the urge to spend my last pennies on that book and, since then, everything gained sense. I found a night job and went to school during the day.

3. What did you learn most about yourself by learning Chinese medicine?

That Intention is everything (as Sun Simiao would say).

4. Looking back over these first years, what is one skill you feel your education didn’t give you that you wish you had learned?

Actually I feel like I had an amazing education. The rest has been learning about myself and my own boundaries.

5. What has been your biggest challenge in regards to your practice - and what have you been doing to work through it?

Here in Spain the public Health Care is very “good” and none of the private health insurance companies include TCM or Acupuncture in their programs. Having people willing to pay from their own pockets for all the sessions needed for their treatment has been my biggest challenge so far. Hopefully we will gain more recognition here sooner than later.

Bonus: How can people find you online to support your journey?


Kenton Sefcik